Saturday, September 1, 2007

the "S" word..

Lately, I’ve been using the word “STUPID” a couple of times. For instance, when I get irritated in some things (like answering worksheets in chemistry), I’ll just say “stupid worksheet!”…automatically. Haha! Isn’t it..weird? Like, I’ll just say the “S” word without even thinking about it (though I don’t really mean it at times.) Maybe it became my mannerism to say that word…
It’s not just a mannerism. I think it’s an abnormality. Coz I’ve been associating that word to any noun (I mean, any) that pops into my mind. Haha, guess I should control myself because it might get me into trouble. I don’t want to lose friends just because I told them that they’re stupid! (Wait, I don’t mean it okay? Just for the sake of having an example..Ü) On the other side, I want to use it in front of my enemies and to those I dislike just to, you know, insult them to death.

*devilish laugh*


Anonymous said...

oh. don't you use it on me.

hehe.joke lang. (i mean it!)

ang gulo....

yeah that "s" word is an effect of the simpsons overdose...

stupidly get well stupidly soon! stupid me stupidly knows you can stupidly recover from this stupidly disease.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.