Ragnarök (n)
in Norse mythology, the final destruction of the gods in a great battle against the forces of evil, after which a new world will arise.
Valkyrie (n)
handmaid escorting dead to Valhalla: in Norse mythology, on of the twelve handmaids of Odin who ride their horses over the field of battle
I spent my first whole week playing Ragnarok, and only Raganrok alone. It became a lot better since it’s already for free. Yes, it’s F-R-E-E! Actually, the so-called BI Miguel was the one who informed me about it. I already experienced playing Ragnarok when I was in grade five, but I wasn’t able to continue it since it requires level-up cards to be able to play the game which can be bought for 20 pesos, 50 pesos, 100 pesos and so on (not to mention the internet card I still have to buy since it is an online game and we were only using dial-up at that time.)
At first, I was hesitant to play the game. But when Miguel told me that Alyzza is already playing that game, I decided to give Valkyrie (the free Ragnarok server) a try. When Alyzza arrived in school, I immediately approached her and asked if I can borrow the installer cd. Problem is, it was Patrick’s cd and I can’t, I won’t and I don’t want to ask permission from him. I mean, I’m in the process of pretending I don’t know him and then, here I am, asking permission if I can borrow his cd? Whoa, that doesn’t sound right, does it?
Luckily, Alyzza agreed to cover me up. She told Patrick that she forgot his cd at home and promised to bring it tomorrow. In short, I only have 24 hours to install it in our pc or else playing Ragnarok will forever be a dream.
I experienced a lot of obstacles, hindrances and flaws (like unable to Register, lost password, unregistered account even though I'm already registered, and the constant hanging of our computer everytime I try to play the game) before I had the chance to play the game. Maybe, these are the SIGNS. Evil Approaching! Hah! I was already on the verge of tears and losing hope when a miracle happened. It worked! I was finally able to play the game. Cheers! ^___^
Right now, I'm in Prontera and fighting Rockers. The usual "lag" of the game..boo! By the way, my character's a mage, only level 26 (wait 'til it gets 40! Ü) and her name's MuncHkinS_12.
So that's it for my not-so-productive sembreak. Alyzza, thank you so much! Miguel, you are a demon! A certified B.I.! haha, peace out. ^_^
ToOdLeS! ^__^
pahabol, nasabi ko na kay Patrick na hiniram ko sa kanya ung cd. Hindi naman siya nagalit. Tinanong niya lang bakit hindi daw ako nagpaalam.
My reply?
"Pake mo?!Ü Thanks anyway.Ü"
You're right! XD It was Gian who told me about Valkyrie because I stopped playing before with the same reasons like you. :)
It was during sembreak so I played like hell but swordies are hard to level up! WAHH! Maybe we can play together sometimes! I'm really poor right now (with only a few zeny) so it might be hard to play outside. Fufufu..
My character's name is kriselle. (Ahaha, yes, I was so creative.)
Btw, nice reply. Malupet. Wahaha.
yey! i was mentioned!
sorry for the late comment. i was too busy last week. anyway, i'm thinking of giving up valkyrie-ing because it takes a century before you can enter the server. plus the never ending lags. aargh.
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